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Aug 24, 2019

"Woman, I have no mercy for you." 

Some of the most callous words uttered during trial are attributed to Susan Atkins, also known as "Sexy" Sadie Mae Glutz. In this episode, we dive in to her life and learn more about the atrocious crimes she committed. 

Aug 16, 2019

Lavinia Fisher, well known as America's first female serial killer. Her legend says that she and her husband John Fisher killed an unknown number of people, using her seductive wiles, poisoned tea, and trapdoors built in to their hotel. Or did she? Historians are now questioning the validity of the legend that Lavinia...

Aug 10, 2019

Short and sweet episode! All about the infamous Catalina de los Rios y Lisperguer. Born in 1604, La Quintrala" grew up in a family of rich landowners, and had a cruelty in her that would expand to the slaves she owned, the tenants on her land, lovers who spurned her, and anyone she felt was beneath her.