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Aug 16, 2020

This week our murderess is a woman who killed her billionaire lover, and who’s sex life seems to be more radical and focused on than the murder she committed. Her name is Cecile Brossard. 

News update! We now have a Patreon. If you're looking for cool behind the scenes things that happen on A Murderess Affair, or...

Mar 24, 2020

Marie, also known as “Maria” according to some accounts, was born Marie La Roux in Switzerland, 1821. Her parents died sometime around the 1840s, and she emigrated to Britain to work as a servant. She began her work as a maid for Lady Anna Palk of the Haldon House in Devon, which was a gigantic country estate that...

Jan 4, 2020

Happy 2020 y'all!! 

This episode we talk about not only our first murderess of the new year, but also our first Hollywood murder of the year! We're talking about not only the mysterious Cleveland Black Widow, but Captain America: The First Avenger actress Molly Fitzgerald, who was charged this week with the murder of...